Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, little London!!

The day started off with a Princess Tea Party for Miss London and Miss Sophia

After London's super long nap, we all got to watch her open presents! She LOVED her mermaid from Max, and her grocery cart from Grammie and Papa, and her kitchen from mom and dad!

After the customary Chick-fil-a birthday dinner, London dug into her cake...I think she liked it:)

Happy Birthday, little sis! We are so lucky to have you and we love every exciting minute!!
(By the way, she ended up completely obliterating her cake by smashing it all into tiny crumbs and squishing them inbetween her fingers. That's my girl!)


Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

Wow - I can't believe London's 2!! She's adorable and looks so grown up :) Hope everything is going well for you guys!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Happy birthday London! She is growing up way too fast! You are an amazing mom and always put on the best parties.

Cliff and Courtney's Family said...

So cute!!! Loved the cake!! I am glad she had a nice birthday. She is just too stink'n cute for her age!

mk said...

She looks SO grown up! I can't believe two years have gone by. Looks like she had such a fun party. Great looking kitchen set. Way to go!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Happy Birthday Princess! You're such a beautiful girl, we love you!! Max you are the best Iron Man ever! I loved talking to you on the phone.
Jonas and Maggie say they love you too and send their hugs!
And yes of course it's a good thing that you think Maggie looks like London!!

Brooke Allison said...

So so cute! I can't believe she is 2! Good job on her cake it looks amazing.

Danielle O. said...

Happy Birthday London! Looked like such a fun day and I am blown away that she is already two!!! She couldn't be any cuter!

Jandee said...

Sophie had so much fun thanks for having her over, those girls are just sooo cute together. Glad she had a good birthday.