Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bedtime? No, it's unders-on-the-head-catch-us-if-you-can time!

Yes. You read that right. My kids love to put underwear on their head and run around naked after baths. It usually ends with jumping on my bed for half an hour while I try to tackle them to get their jammies on. Luckily I got them semi-clothed so I could get some pictures. I think London looks like the creepy dad on Pirates of the Carribbean, but whatever. They think they're hilarious. I can't wait until I can embarrass them with these pictures:)

As everyone knows, I check on my kids at least 3 times before I go to bed (unless I zonk out immediately after they fall asleep) and I probably am trying my luck with the photo taking but I don't care.
I love that Max has to sleep with half a dozen of his favorite stuffed animals and a pillow "shield" to keep bad guys out. Every time I check on him he's switched positions. I have NO idea how he doesn't fall off the bed each night.
I love that London is such a snuggler with her Baby and Monkey, but then it makes me sad because I never get to hold her anymore. So, fighting every motherly instinct to let her sleep, I usually find myself picking her up and snuggling her. I know her cradling time is drawing to an end (what, she's 2 next month!?!) so I'm taking all the moments I can, even if they are when she's asleep and it's 11 o'clock at night.

She is getting too big for her crib!!


Max and his entourage of animals...ok, more like his secret service.


hilary said...

ha ha! that's so cute they do that. looks like you guys are having fun and making tons of friends. i check on sophie about a million times before i go to bed, too. :) and i can't believe london will be TWO next month!!! where does the time go? crazy.

Liz said...

so stinking CUTE! i miss them! you should call max captain underpants from now on.