Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dad caught a what??

Max is always so excited to find things outdoors. Like today, he saw a kitten climbing a tree...totally made his morning. So, you can imagine how thrilled he was (me not so much) when Morgan found a frog out in the backyard and brought it in to show the kids. London liked it but Max kind of freaked her out when she tried to touch him (someone told him frogs were poisonous), and so she kept clear. Max loved it but didn't want to touch it. Trying to be brave myself, I offered to touch it first to show it was ok. Cringing and shaking, I petted the little thing and stood back to watch Max. I barely got the picture he was so fast, but I was proud of him and was grateful he said we should let him go.
Who needs a zoo? We've got a full-on amphibian exhibit in the backyard. Next wild animal we want to see, alive I should add, is an armadillo. Wish us luck:)


hilary said...

Ha ha! Funny and cute! Aren't you so glad max didn't want to keep it?! I've seen dead armadillos here too. Sick! And those pictures of London are really so dang adorable! Even with food all over her face!

Redd family said...

That is awesome! How fun for the kids. Jack would have freaked out! He loved geckos in Arizona, I can't even imagine a real frog! Good luck with the armadilla and get yourself a gator too!

Liz said...

good luck with the armadillo, boo to the amphibians. gross. way to be brave max!

mk said...

The camera does love that little cutie!! You are all so brave! Yay Morgan.

Jenny said...

It's so nice to hear that someone else's kids LOVE ANIMALS! Here I thought I was shoving nature down their throats!!!