Sunday, August 15, 2010

Clearwater Beach

I love that Morgan has weekends off because it means we get to explore our new area! Yesterday we headed to Clearwater Beach and hung out at Pier 60. This beach is pretty far south, past Tampa and Orlando. We were in the car about 2 1/2 hours and by the time we got there, the kids were ready to get out and play. It was a beautiful day and the water was ridiculously warm so it was nice to just sit in the ocean and let the kids get smacked around by the waves. Max had a "reward" jar this week and earned himself a boogie board, which he loved laying on in the shallow area and riding some mini waves. London's favorite part of the day was when she discovered she could do the same thing just laying on her tummy with the waves pushing her around. That was hilarious to watch!
We walked around the fun little shops afterwards and only then got a map to see how cool Clearwater really is. Next time we are definitely going to head further down the coast to see some of the fun attractions and other beaches.
And of course, we ended our day with a quick trip to Costco. After we finally found it (thanks, GPS mom!) we spent some time enjoying samples, stocking up on diapers, and eating some dinner before the 2 1/2 hr drive back.
Such a beautiful beach, lots more crowded than Augustine and Crescent, but lots more to do. We'll be back for sure!


Nat Heaton said...

Lindsay- we live in Clearwater and 15 minutes from Clearwater beach. Next time you guys venture down, call us! We would love to see some familiar faces!!

mk said...

SO SO cute. So grateful to see your days. Kids are getting SO big. They are so cute. What a fun memory.

Redd family said...

Looks beautiful!! I love Londy's swimsuit. Glad you are having fun with your husband, lucky!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Seeing your kids makes me so homesick. Maybe you should send them here for a week. Addie and Connor would be in heaven.
I love the rain coat pictures. When did London grow up?

Brooke Allison said...

What fun! That's so great you guys are getting out and exploring all the fun beaches and places in Florida. We miss you guys!