Wednesday, July 07, 2010

We made it!

Good-bye, Arizona!

Good-bye, Utah!

Life on the Road

10 states, 4 days of driving, 2 amazing kids, and we're here!
Welcome to Florida!


Brooke Allison said...

That has been some adventure you guys have been on. I'm glad you finally made it. You will have to show us pictures of your house.

mk said...

Amazing kids AND AMAZING parents!! It was very hard to look at the pictures of the kids in the car!!

Jenny said...

Max & London are seriously 2 of the cutest kids on the planet. So is Jonas.I am so bummed that we saw you like, one time before you guys made your journey. Man, I love your kids. Kate wants to do a roadtrip to see Max & Spencer! Haha. OK KATE!!

Liz said...

PRETTY tree!! glad you guys made it safe. we miss you already.

hilary said...

glad you guys are doing well! that's quite the move you guys had to make, but sounds like your kids did well! can't wait to see more pictures of your new home. we miss you guys!