Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We started off the weekend with a breakfast in our new ward. Max got to play with a bunch of new friends while London got to meet TONS of sweet little girls who shared a love of coloring at the craft table.
On Sunday we lucked out and got Morgan home before the kids went to bed and got to do fireworks together. Max hates the loud ones so we got some smoke bombs, sparklers, and flowers. The town went a little crazy and we heard fireworks going off the whole weekend. One fun thing about living in such a small area is that people really go all out. I can't wait for Halloween!!:)
Happy 4th everyone!!


Thomas Family said...

Yeah! So glad you guys made it. Thanks for your help on that skirt. (again!) It turned great. Good luck with getting all settled in.

mk said...

Wow! When you get to the stage of being able to post, you are somewhat back to a little bit as "life as you know it". So glad you are safely there. So grateful that everyone has been so nice to you. Thanks for all the cute pictures.

Jenny said...

LONDON IS AN ANGEL! (Too bad she doesn't know that yet! Don't worry- she will soon enough.) I love fireworks. I was so bummed- I missed them on Saturday night with my fam cuz I had to work. I'm looking forward to Pioneer Day!!!

Liz said...

way fun!! i love small neighborhoods. there aren't anymore in utah. :( i can't wait ot hear stories of new adventures, including where you find my lady gaga cosmo...