Saturday, July 17, 2010

Anastasia Beach in St. Augestine

Morgan had the day off so of course we headed to the beach! The kids went crazy collecting shells, building castles, digging holes, and the favorite for both was definitely the time spent in the water. The water is definitely warmer here than in Cali...but I sure do miss that blue...

I'm ready to go!

Morgan helped the kids with the sand castle...London played King Kong and destroyed it within minutes.

Max was jumping and diving into waves like a maniac...until he bodysurfed and got a mouthful of really salty water...then he was done.

London is clearly having the time of her life...can you see that smile? She was laughing so hard, even when the water would splash into her face. This girl knows how to have a good time!

Collecting shells

Max was confused why we had to leave..."But mom, it's not raining yet!!" He was easily distracted with a kidsmeal, lucky for us:)

2 minutes into the drive home...ahhh...


mk said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing these pictures. Thanks for your effort! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Redd family said...

Ahhhhhh.....the beach! Sounds and looks wonderful! Maybe we need to join you sooner than later! p.s. got your comment from my blog, thanks. we miss you, max and londie more than you know! oh and Matt misses Morgan too :)

hilary said...

looks like residency is treating you guys extremely well!! we are trying to survive the humidity and the heat without a beach! p.s. these pictures of your kids are adorable and are making me miss you guys... :(