Saturday, June 05, 2010

Congratulations, Dr. Mathie!!

The late night study sessions, the weekends spent at the library, the Monday/Friday tests, the boards (the majority of them at least), the out-of-state rotations, the interviews, the waiting/match game, they're finally over! Morgan graduated on Friday from Midwestern University and I couldn't be more proud! I know I speak for both of us when I say we will miss the many AMAZING people we have met and are so grateful for the friendships we've made.
I was so glad Morgan's parents came down and got to be a part of this awesome and exciting moment in our lives. It was so great to see how proud they were of him and all he's accomplished.
I am so proud of you, too, Morgan. Not only for graduating, but for exceling in all you did. You clearly went above and beyond and your effort has finally paid off. I love you and am already counting down the weeks until your first vacation in Residency so we can plan a trip!

So proud of you, dad!

Morgan, Jason, Kevin, and Matt

Morgan, Jason, and Matt

Grandpa entertaining London during the graduation

Our family

Morgan and his parents

Max and Parker

Max and Addie

Us and the Samuelian's

The boys

The wives that got them through!


Redd family said...

i'm still in shock! i can't believe that's it!! what a wonderful day though. will you send me your pics that me or matt are in..........yours turned out sooo much better! thanks. love you guys!

Jenny said...

Ok, this is so awesome. CONGRATS MORGAN!!
My favorite picture/caption of the whole thing is the last one: The wives that got them through. SO true.

Loved your "May in a Nutshell". Too bad we couldn't play more. but guess what! June is here and I have a car!!! :)

mk said...

Congratulations Dr. Mathie and Family. We are so happy for you and your wonderful accomplishments. This has been a great adventure for all of you. We feel so grateful that it was such an amazing experience for you. It is awesome that you have built so many great friendships along the way. YAHOO!!!

Norton Family said...

CONGRATS! I just always think of Morgan as Dr so i'm kinda surprised that it's finally here. i am SOOOO excited you guys will be at least on the same time zone as me. FINALLY a family member to celebrate holidays with that i can drive to.

Z Family said...

CONGRATS!!! Such a huge achievement!! GREAT JOB

Jill said...

Lindsay- How are you?? How is Florida? I bet it is awesome. But never as good as AZ right???!! Is Morgan busy? I hope you are loving life. Talk to you later Linds. P.S. I have to agree with Sarah. Your pictures turned out way better than most of mine. I am going to have to steal a couple from you off your blog. Hope you don't mind. Thanks!