Thursday, April 08, 2010


Yes, that's right. Our ward had a playgroup at Krispy Kreme's!
Because London usually naps around the time our Ward has playgroup, I don't go. (You wouldn't either if your child took 3 hour naps!) But since I recommended the place (thank you Brooke!), I felt like I should go (thanks, Alicia, for setting it up!) London just sat on my hip the whole time while Max ran around like a crazy man. He was totally excited to play with all of his ward buddies outside of church. He love love LOVES the girls and was totally showing off for them. I guess I'm going to have to make it to playgroup more least for the next 3 weeks...oh sad.


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Mmm...what a wonderful play group!
How fun to have your parents in town. Oh, and Max's parties were AmAzInG! Addie is still talking about them. Infact, she wanted me to take the inflatable back to your house. :)

mk said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Want a donut!

Criscell said...

You were so smart to remember your camera that day! What a good idea to go there. It was so fuN!