Friday, April 30, 2010

One last dinner at our place

This last week my brother came down and I used it as an excuse to get everyone together for one last dinner. If I post more than that, I'll start bawling, and I've had enough of that this week. So, for now, let's just say it's been a great 4 years:)

The boys: Jason, Morgan, Matt, Sean, Kevin, and Jeff

The girls: Miss Extravagant (Siri), me, Miss Flawless Girl (Brooke), Miss New mommy (Hilary), and Miss Socialite (Sarah) (not pictured: Jill, Miss Graduate!)I love these girls!

The kiddos: Ella, London, Max, Connor, Addie, Jack (holding Charlotte), Parker, and Hunter

Max and London (now you see why we keep the binkie in her mouth...)

And there's the binkie

Hmmm..I wonder where they went??

That pool is fun for about 10 mins....

Max expressing how the adults are all feeling at this point

Yea, thanks for the dinner and the run, Jeff. Can't wait for a "re-run" in Utah. Man, I'm outta shape!


mk said...

I bet the kids loved their Uncle Jeff!! How did you EVER get the kids to all sit still for a picture. When we do that it is PAINFUL!! Nice pictures. Lovely memories. New adventures! See you Soon!!!

Redd family said...

oh great....i'm crying AGAIN! too cute pictures.....minus me, seriously, i should have thought to get ready for our last get together!!

Danielle O. said...

You are Miss Hostess with the Mostest. J/k I don't know your real nickname but it is fitting right? Good luck with your super busy month ahead, I wish I could do something to help. Once again I can't get over how big your kids are getting. London is seriously killing, so adorable!

hilary said...

ah, such a sad post - it made me get all teary AGAIN - like sara! i hate thinking that our time in az is coming to an end so soon! thanks for being such a great friend, we will miss you guys more than words can say!!

Criscell said...

It's so hard to say goodbye, isn't it? Change is so hard. Looks like you had a great time. Can you believe how fast your four years went by?

Norton Family said...

ahhh you didn't "waste me on the razor" it was a tie and you know it. or i had something in my eye.. i can't remember what excuse i gave but you did NOT beat me!!
i'm glad you had such good friendships in AZ.