Sunday, March 28, 2010

This is not a joke, people

Yes, we just got back from Disneyland, again. We met Morgan's family over there for one last hurrah before graduation.
Also I think Morgan REALLY wanted to see Captain EO...

London's FAVORITE ride, and Morgan had to make sure she always got her "special" horse.

KC Jr.'s was a first for London

Love these two!

Max is still working on his peace sign...

Alice in Wonderland with Grammie, Papa, and Logan

Pixie enjoyed this visit as much as Max, if not more...

Jonas hanging with the ladies...he was such a trooper, it was a hot day!

Uncle Taylor and soon to be Aunt Arica....London adored her! She twirled her all over the place!

Grammie and London on Dumbo, another favorite!

Waiting for Captain EO, where London quickly just passed out.

Attack of the Gummy Bears!

Max and Jonas enjoying a movie between park visits.

The long awaited Captain EO!

Loving the attention!

But dad, I'm soooo hot! and I'm soooo tired!

We got to celebrate Max's birthday a few days early with the Mathie's. Thanks everyone for the great gifts and 10 a.m. birthday cake! I'm glad he got to have an unofficial birthday party with you all!

Such a great trip for us all! Max said his favorite ride was Space Mountain (yea, when he got off, he told Morgan "I HATED that ride!") London's was for sure Dumbo and Small World, Morgan's for sure was Captain EO, and me? Well, I think my favorite part of it all was the Filet Fish;)


Liz said...

i love when you bring gummy bears to disneyland. makes it so much more fun. looks like you had a blast!

mk said...

So fun to see the kids having a ball. Love it. Can't believe how big London is. Such cute pigtails!

Brooke Allison said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun. Go Max with Tink!