Friday, March 19, 2010

Florida here we come!

Morgan matched at his #1 pick yesterday and we couldn't be more excited!
Some things we're looking forward to over the next 4 years:

Beautiful weather year round
Free preschool and a Baby Gator club at the Hospital

Sea World

Great beaches, all within a few hours drive

Anyone who knows me knows I'm SUPER excited about the new Harry Potter theme park!

MOONLIGHTING!! Good-bye American Express bill!
And of course, getting on with it! Florida, here we come!


Thomas Family said...

Congratulations you guys!! That is seriously so exciting. You deserve it. :) Except I have to admit that I was hoping to continue preschool in the fall... :)

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I want to come visit you!!! Congrats again. Lucky ducks!

Redd family said...

Congrats again! So exciting! And Jack is already talking about how he's going to miss Max and can't we all go to the same place. Bummer. We'll have to play a lot the next couple of months!

mk said...

I am so excited for your new adventure. I can't help but be a little sentimental about all of the chances for you. Really looking forward to those visits!!

Evensen Family said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. We thought you might be heading to Florida after you wrote that post on Florida a while back. I immediately thought how well you guys would do there since Disneyland is not far away. Sounds like a perfect fit.

Chris does a trauma rotation for 4 months down in Tampa during his third year, so we'll have to meet at Disneyland when we go and visit him.

Jenny said...

Look how close to disneyworld you'll be! I didn't even REALIZE that was there! I'm excited for you. Yeah! MORGAN!!

Brooke Allison said...

We are so excited for you guys! Specially since we will be able to see you guys every now and then hopefully.