Sunday, March 28, 2010

This is not a joke, people

Yes, we just got back from Disneyland, again. We met Morgan's family over there for one last hurrah before graduation.
Also I think Morgan REALLY wanted to see Captain EO...

London's FAVORITE ride, and Morgan had to make sure she always got her "special" horse.

KC Jr.'s was a first for London

Love these two!

Max is still working on his peace sign...

Alice in Wonderland with Grammie, Papa, and Logan

Pixie enjoyed this visit as much as Max, if not more...

Jonas hanging with the ladies...he was such a trooper, it was a hot day!

Uncle Taylor and soon to be Aunt Arica....London adored her! She twirled her all over the place!

Grammie and London on Dumbo, another favorite!

Waiting for Captain EO, where London quickly just passed out.

Attack of the Gummy Bears!

Max and Jonas enjoying a movie between park visits.

The long awaited Captain EO!

Loving the attention!

But dad, I'm soooo hot! and I'm soooo tired!

We got to celebrate Max's birthday a few days early with the Mathie's. Thanks everyone for the great gifts and 10 a.m. birthday cake! I'm glad he got to have an unofficial birthday party with you all!

Such a great trip for us all! Max said his favorite ride was Space Mountain (yea, when he got off, he told Morgan "I HATED that ride!") London's was for sure Dumbo and Small World, Morgan's for sure was Captain EO, and me? Well, I think my favorite part of it all was the Filet Fish;)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Florida here we come!

Morgan matched at his #1 pick yesterday and we couldn't be more excited!
Some things we're looking forward to over the next 4 years:

Beautiful weather year round
Free preschool and a Baby Gator club at the Hospital

Sea World

Great beaches, all within a few hours drive

Anyone who knows me knows I'm SUPER excited about the new Harry Potter theme park!

MOONLIGHTING!! Good-bye American Express bill!
And of course, getting on with it! Florida, here we come!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Some of our favorite things...

ice cream....


tea parties...

stay-lates with root beer floats....

unexpected rain showers....

snuggling with Bandit...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My little squishy bugs

Am I creepy? I LOVE taking pictures of my kids after they've gone to bed. I think it's because I'm in such a good mood from finally getting a moment to myself...or is that mean?
Either way, I love these kids and am so grateful for them.

Stay-Late at Andrew's

The other night my friend Alicia invited Max over for a stay-late with her son, Andrew. Max and Andrew are great buds so of course Max was completely psyched. He didn't stop talking about it (seriously, he would NOT stop talking about it) for the entire day. Luckily he got a nap in that afternoon so he was ready to go after dinner. When I went to pick him up, he definitely did not want to come home because he was having such a great time. Thanks, Alicia and Kevin for hosting the best stay-late ever!!

Learning to read

With Max getting closer and closer to going to preschool, I've been trying to buckle down and work on his reading. Here are some things we've been doing lately.
(Any other suggestions would be fully appreciated!)

Max has been really getting good at recognizing letters and sounds, so when my friend Sarah gave us a bunch of phonic cards from Jack's preschool, I was stoked! I copied them and now put 3 up on the board every week for Max to learn. We just go over them a few minutes every day and at the end of the week change them out. It's fun and I'm hoping beneficial:)

This idea came from a blog I found. She is AMAZING and has great ideas for teaching your kids in creative ways. I LOVE these cards. I just made them and Max had a blast going through them over lunch today. We were hysterical over the made up words it can make but it's good for recognizing ending words. I recommend this to anyone with reading age kids. And check out her blog, it's fully awesome!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

My friend Brooke reminded us it was Dr. Seuss' birthday today so of course, we watched good ol' Horton Hears a Who while making little clovers. At first we painted pencils green, thinking I would attach the pom poms to the top. Then, duh! While they were drying I decided to just use green pipe cleaner! A lot less mess and I didn't feel so bad when we left Max's at the park and London promptly ate her pom pom right off. It was fun, though, and especially cute was tonight when Max asked if we were going to have birthday cake with "The doctor zues or just leave it out for him and the reindeer?" Maybe next year I'll be a bit more organized and actually be able to explain who Dr. Seuss is;)

Who needs friends when you have a brother?

We have been having too much fun for pictures, playing "horsie", twirling in the office chair, and "ring around the rosies"! These two keep each other entertained constantly:) London adores Max and always wants to be with him. He is sweet (and patient!) enough to indulge her. In fact, I think he's actually spoiling her a bit...