Sunday, February 14, 2010

Morgan's big day!

Started with some present opening....

Followed by a soccer game, where Max scored a goal! It was the first game where I didn't take a million pictures. of course.

Then some ice cream treats after the game

And then some flowers from Max and dad for me and London for Valentines. Such cute boys!!

We actually finished the night with P.F. Chang's and Mary Poppins (which Morgan got me for Christmas). It was an amazing night! I ADORE Mary Poppins and was so excited to see it with Morgan. We had a great time just laughing and enjoying each others company, something we don't get to do often enough:)
Happy 30th, babe!


mk said...

Way to go Morgan. What a guy!! Beautiful flowers as well. So glad you guys had a great night out. You both deserve it! Love you!

Liz said...

fun weekend! BEAUTIFUL flowers!