Monday, January 04, 2010

Max's first day as a sunbeam!

My little handsome dude had his first day of Primary today. He was so excited to go and was so reverent. The teacher said he even said the prayer in class. I am so proud of my little sunbeam!


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Max you are a handsome boy!! Jonas loves to sing "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" now he can sing about Max being a sunbeam. Happy New Years! I heard Max isn't too fond of the looks nice! Love you all!

mk said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Love the stickers plastered all over his book! Still remember the look on your face when you saw it. LOVE YOU!!

Evensen Family said...

What a cute little sunbeam you have. Can't believe these little ones are growing up so fast. Before you know it he'll be leaving on a mission.