Friday, January 29, 2010

Just because...

I love when Morgan is home to play with the kids. Because usually it's my face under that stinky bum.

Helping dad pick oranges

Max loves to pick the oranges. London loves to eat the oranges. It all works out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Best night EVER!

I don't know about any of you, but I am SO EXCITED about this election!! And I really try not to push my politics on my blog but I have been waiting for this election for WEEKS and I'm so excited with the outcome! This is huge!! Way to go Massachusetts!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

First soccer game!

Max had his first soccer game last week and boy wasn't that fun! Within minutes he was done and wanted to go home. But, he was a good sport and ran around with the other pack of kids. His favorite part was running through the parent tunnel at the end. And of course, the snacks:) Can't wait to see what the next game brings!

Max and his good buddy, Andrew

Parent Tunnel at the end of the game

Gettin' his head in the game

Seriously, why do they keep blowing the whistle???

A little nervous so he's holding Andrew's hand

Toughin' it out

scratchin' an itch...

Time to go, London!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Officially a Gator fan

Morgan and I just got back from our little vaca to Gainesville, FL. Morgan took me there to check out the city and show me where he lived for an entire month. We went to the hospital to meet everyone that had helped him set up his rotation and worked with him while he was there. They were so nice and friendly, definitely a change from Midwestern, that's for sure!

Cutest little area, Haile Plantation

In front of our B&B (it was FREEZING!)

Morgan took me to eat at 101 Downtown, which has the most amazing hamburgers and strawberry crepes...they were insanely good.

We had a great time and I have to thank Grammie and Papa Mark again and again for coming down and staying with the kids. They had a great time and can't stop talking about all the fun things you did! Max had to show me your chalk "art" and re-enact all of his favorite moments of your stay. Thanks again!!

Monday, January 04, 2010

Max's first day as a sunbeam!

My little handsome dude had his first day of Primary today. He was so excited to go and was so reverent. The teacher said he even said the prayer in class. I am so proud of my little sunbeam!

New Year's Eve

I can't believe it's already 2010! Where did 2009 go??



Got too loud for Max...

Of course London couldn't get enough of the mess and noise they made

Happy New Year's! Fondue night tradition at our house.

Having a New Year's Eve tea party..the first of many these past few days.