Thursday, December 10, 2009

Naughty little London

If there is ever a quiet moment in our house, it's usually followed with the phrase, "NAUGHTY, LONDON!" She is then removed from pushing buttons on the computer, hiding behind the Christmas tree, emptying cupboards, playing in the toilet (caught as I was updating the blog), playing in my makeup drawer, making a mess of my workout stuff, playing in Bandit's dog food, or climbing on the treadmill.

And whenever she gets caught, she gives us this little smile...yea, hard to get after her when she looks so sweet, huh?


mk said...

WAY more nice than naughty!

Liz said...


Norton Family said...

those are seriously so adorable!! i miss those moments with little munchkins. well... looking back, not during them. :) Your kids are ADORABLE!!!