Saturday, November 14, 2009

Yes, Disneyland again

Day One: Got up early and drove over to California. Thanks to Navi-dad (i.e. papa Mark) we got there without getting lost. We spent the afternoon at Disney and enjoyed walking onto almost every ride. Max told us he was ready to go home after the fourth ride.

Day Two: Max woke up at 5:30 a.m. ready to go. Disney opened at 8 so we got there nice and early. We walked onto most rides at Disneyland and got to have pictures with some characters before it got too crowded. Then we headed over to California Adventure. Max got to ride on Soarin' and said he liked it but when we asked if he wanted to go again, he said "Maybe tomorrow?" That's Max code for "No, I am never going on that ride again." He does that with Matterhorn.
After California Adventure started to get busy, we decided to hit the Newport scene. We went to Ruby's, walked around the beach, and of course did a little shopping at our favorite consignment store. After a while, we headed back to Disneyland in jammies just in time for the parade and some hot chocolate.

Day Three: Club 33. What else is there to say besides Thanks, John for hooking us up!!

Day Four: Another early day. Got to the park around 8 and it was pretty empty. Rode on a bunch of rides until Santa arrived. Max told him that he wanted a Razor scooter for Christmas, just like his friend Jack had. After we got a quick picture with Pluto and headed out. Santa was definitely a great way to end the trip!

p.s. That picture in Club 33 is from one of my all-time favorite movies...can anyone guess which one??


Liz said...

umm... hello dolly?

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Do the employees know you by name? LOL!!! Looks like fun!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Alright that's guys are in so much trouble. What do you mean you went to Club 33? Rude. Oh well, I'll get over it. Love the picture, I can't believe how big both of them are getting. I did see that Toys-R-Us will be having Razor scooters for 20 bucks on black friday. Don't know if you have one near..or if you even are going to get one. Miss you!

Evensen Family said...

You guys are too funny. I love that you are passing on your love of Disneyland to you children. It is a great place and builds a lot of fun memories. I hope you guys have season passes.

Danielle O. said...

Gotta love Disneyland! I love the picture of Max holding up two peace sign!! He is in heaven.

Unknown said...

Hey! It was so fun seeing you at Disneyland! If I would have known that you were going to club 33 I would have followed you around. We have only heard about Club 33, but never known any one who has gone. Maybe we will see you next time!

Norton Family said...

Happiest Millionaire!!!!!! what do i win??????

Norton Family said...

Happiest millionaire!!!