Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a day! It's amazing how much time and effort goes into making one meal...which I am not complaining about as I am not the one that did it. That's right, I let Morgan be in charge which meant Morgan did ALL the work. I am so grateful to have a husband that is so good at what he does! He set out to make an amazing meal and an amazing meal we had. From the turkey, the homemade stuffing, the gravy, all the way to the 10 layer jello, it was delicious! (He woke up around 5 to get things going and didn't stop until we sat down to eat. Thanks, babe, for all the hard work!)
We had our friends, Matt and Sarah over and are so grateful to have such good friends to celebrate this holiday with. The kids had a great time running around and writing down what they were grateful for. Some of their answers: papas, grammas, friends, family, and doggies. Good to be reminded of what matters most.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Enough pictures already! Help me get the jello in faster!

These kids are perfect ages to play did we get so lucky to have such good friends?

Cute expecting mother and adorable those dimples!

Seriously, Matt, when you take pictures of yourself with my camera, I know you want me to post them on my blog, so, here's one for you!

Max ate turkey ALL NIGHT long! I think he may have finished it off!

Our family


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Morgan has some AMAZING talents! You are lucky to have him.
Glad your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

mk said...

Thanks for sharing. SO adorable!

Redd family said...

W-O-W! The meal was seriously amazing! And we are still enjoying the leftovers. Thanks again for letting us crash your meal! It was wonderful.

The Diehl Family said...

You have such an adorable family! You look awesome, Linds! Jenn gave me your blog...somehow I lost it! Let's keep in touch this year!
love ya,
Mary Summerhays Diehl :)