Monday, November 30, 2009

Family Home Evening

We try so hard to do family home evening every Monday, some are good experiences, some not so much. Tonight was one I won't forget for a long time. We talked about Jesus' birth (and used our cute Nativity scene from Siri!) then when for a wagon ride around the neighborhood to look at all the Christmas lights. Down here in AZ people go all out and the kids loved looking at all the moving animals and manger scenes. We came home for some hot chocolate and toast (does anyone else love that combo or was it just my family!?) and finished with some Christmas books. It was a great start to what's going to be an awesome Christmas season.


mk said...


Liz said...

looks so fun! i wish we had a wagon for our kitties so we could copy your idea! :)

Norton Family said...

that is so great! you are such a creative little momma!! i'm sure your kids wont forget it either. i love the wagon idea around the neighborhood. such a fun idea! and i never did the hot chocolate and toast. ewwww! but good memories of mom eating that combo.

Jenny said...

Hooray for Nativities! My kids LOVE the baby Jesus. In fact, if the 3 of my nativities survive this year (with all the animals, not just the kids) it will be a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!
All of the ladies talk about how special the nativity is to their families. you are so good to do FHE. Good Job for being a Good Example (Not only to your kids but to your friends/sisters!)