Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Is it time to go to Jack's yet???

This is what I heard for 2 days straight. And I only told him about Jack's Halloween party to get him to stop asking about Disneyland! You see the dilema?
So, yes, an hour before Jack's party, I let Max get into his much anticipated and talked about Peter Pan costume. Then the minute countdown began. 3 o'clock could not come fast enough for this little boy. And when dad showed up early and surprised us, Max was not even phased, he just said "Bye, dad, I'm going to Jacks!" Of course London was napping and when I went in to wake her up, she was snoring. Tell me you would wake your child up and I'll tell you you're full of it. Yea, she got left behind with dad.
At 3 o'clock we hit the road and when Max walked into Jack's, I could tell it was everything he had dreamed of and more. Everyone in their cute costumes, a treasure hunt, pin the parrot on the pirate game, and CUPCAKES! He was in heaven.
A big thanks to Sarah for hosting what was the hit of this little boys life!
We should have costume parties more often, I think:)

Batman and Catwoman

Catwoman Ella flirting with Pirate Connor

Daring Duo

The gang minus Parker and Hunter

This is all I wanted anyways!

Don't even think about it, mom. This is MY cupcake and I'm NOT letting go!


Liz said...

too cute!! they'll be missed terribly at mom's costume party...

mk said...

hmmmm...cupcakes...Are they kind of like cake wedges??? So so cute!! I want them to come and trick or treat and MY house!!!

Jenn said...

so dang cute. Playing dress up, not just for Halloween, has become a lot of fun at our house! And even Johnny gets special bracelets- ones that even HE can't break!!!
Max is so dang adorable. And London is such a pretty little Dutchess.

Norton Family said...

so cute! i know how hard it is being away from family but having good friends make it better. not to mention friends that have cute kids and fun activities to go to. i love that Max just said bye to dad and left. that sounds just like spence. who wore his Dash costume all night last night. i love these memories!