Saturday, October 10, 2009

For Jonas

Hey, everyone,
Please take a minute to read this blog:
I know that most of my friends reading this are in the same circumstances I am with money, being in med school, and I know it's a whole lot easier being on the receiving end of charity at this stage in our lives, but I also know that this is a cause worth sacrificing for. President Monson gave a great talk this last conference about how for his birthday, he wished everyone everywhere would pick one random act of kindness to do for another person. Well, this is a chance I'm offering to you, aren't I nice!;)
But seriously, this family couldn't be more deserving. Little Jonas is the biggest sweetheart. And I have never seen more devoted parents anywhere. Heavenly Father trusted the right people to send Jonas to, of that I have no doubt.
And even if you don't have the means to donate anything, please please please put them in your prayers.

Now as Max would say, "High five. Bones. Let's rock, let's rock today. Bye!"
Linds and fam


Jenn said...

going to their site makes me cry. I wish SOO BADLY that I could do something to help. It just breaks my heart! He is such a sweet little guy. Lindsey & Whit, Jonas Especially, you're in our prayers. (Kate will be very happy to add him to her prayers. The list just is never long enough!)

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Thanks Linds! You said exactly what I wanted to say, but of course it wouldn't have sounded as good coming from me. Kind of selfish to think, "hey there was this talk that the prophet gave and you should help us"... Love you lots and Thank you for helping by putting this on your blog!

Megan said...

What a small world! I was talking to Cara Lyons about you yesterday, and she told me you were Whit Coleman's sister-in-law! I actually know both Whit and Lindsey...Whit from working at Primary's (I was actually Jonas' nurse for a day) and Lindsey from LDSSA sorority!
We'll have to keep in touch for sure! You're family is adorable!