Thursday, October 22, 2009

Disney Store Halloween Party

We have been talking about and anticipating the Disney Store Halloween party for WEEKS now! When Grammie came down and bought the kids their costumes, we got the flyer and I have been so excited to take the kids to it!
Max was in his adorable costume HOURS before the event...
We had to wake London up from her afternoon nap in order to get there on time for the door prize....
Which was a tiny flashing light.
The fun game they promised was "Hot Potato" (on the FLOOR OF THE MALL!!!) with a stuffed Mickey. Max did not understand the game (neither did the rest of the kids.) He kept throwing the Mickey at the Disney Store employee.
He was pretty much done after a few rounds and wanted to leave.
FINALLY he made it to the last round and when he lost, he got up so happy and said "I WON!"
His prize was getting to leave.
At least the kids looked stinkin' adorable in their costumes!! Thanks Grammie!

Please stop throwing the Mickey doll at me, Peter Pan! (Like I could do anything, I was holding London and my purse, guarding my stroller, trying to keep an eye on Max to make sure a mall perv didn't take off with him.)

Seriously, can we leave yet?!

Guess we'd better take a trip to Disneyland to make up for it.


mk said...

Very adorable children. You are "the mom". Love you!!

Liz said...

cute!!! i wish we could go to disneyland with you guys! maybe sometime next year?

Jenn said...

LOVE the costumes!!!!

Norton Family said...

I'm seriously laughing out loud at work while reading this story. PRICELESS!!! i love it!