Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Girls Trip...sort of...

We just got back from, you guessed it..DISNEYLAND! Siri and her kids let us tag along with them on a mini break to the big D-LAND. We had such a blast and hope they had as much fun as we did! I know they had to lower their standards a teensy bit and do it "Mathie style" i.e. bring own lunches, stay at bug-infested hotels, etc, but we are so glad they did!!
Max and Addie are going to have a rude awakening tomorrow when they can't just walk over to Disneyland bright and early. I guess we could always take another trip next weekend. . .

Siri taking the kids on Alice in Wonderland

It's a Small World, for the millionth time...

Getting some love while waiting, yes, WAITING in line for Winnie the Pooh.

Queen Siri and Princess Addie's birthday dinner at Ariels Grotto. Addie even got to introduce the characters! It was soo cute!

Prince mom, not princess. Duh.

Max prefers the blondes. Just like his dad:)

The princesses came around to every table, the kids were in heaven!

Happy Birthday, Siri!

Halloween at California Adventure

"Seriously, Lindsay, I leave him with you for 2 seconds and this is how I find him?!"

"We didn't do it..."

Maybe if we ALL pull on it!

Loved the characters in their fall costumes!

Toy Story Mania, of course.

Sleeping arrangements...apparently I drew the short stick.


mk said...

Looks like you had a great trip. The pictures are SO cute. SO glad the kids got to see so many characters. Glad Glad Glad that you made it home safely. LOVE YOU!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

We LOVED it!!! It was a perfect birthday for both of us. Thanks for coming and for ALL the wonderful food!!!

Redd family said...

You two are THE women! Seriously. Looks like so much fun and fuels my need to go to Disneyland ASAP!!

Jenn said...

oh, your kids are just too cute. I wish I could have as a job to be dressed up like a princess and walk around like one. Sleeping Beauty, you rule.

You look sooo cute in the ONE picture you're in. I love that you went to disneyland without Morgan. Looks like you've truly been converted!
Yeah for girl's trips. I'm seriously coming down for the weekend. You Arizona girls know how to have fun... (Siri, don't feel bad. She sticks cheerios to my kid's faces!)