Monday, August 24, 2009

Back from Utah

While I forgot my camera, I'll never forget all the fun we had this past (almost) month up in Utah. Here are a few memories of our trip (in no particular order):
-Max and Kate prancing around as Batman and Tinkerbell....note the no pants under Kate's tinker costume
-London taking her first steps...and last as far as she is concerned
-Visiting Ida up in Brigham...So good to remember
-Trip to the zoo with Jonas...Thanks for all the fun activities, Lindsey!
-Days spent at the pool where I learned to swim...Max is pretty fearless now!
-Cake wedges from Dick's bakery washed down with Coke's from Pace's
-Watching a Cary Grant movie every night...he is so dreamy!
-Bill FINALLY getting a little better at the end of our trip...that was a HUGE blessing!
-Finishing (finally!) London's quilt my mom and I started back in January..LOVE IT!
-Max and Kate's sleepovers...holding hands in bed
-Brooke taking Max for an ENTIRE day and night. Still can't get over him having his first sleepover...I was a bit of a nervous wreck...But Brooke, you are a life saver!! Thanks again and again!
-London getting her first 2 teeth...that she likes to bite Max with
-Visiting the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point with our sweet little cousin, Jonas. It was REALLY busy but a ton of fun!
-Dinner with Liz and Josh...great little hosts
-Classic with Addie and Jack...need one of those in AZ for SURE
-Potato Bug hunts...EVERY day
-No hot more to say on that.
-Max sleeping over with his Grammie and Papa Mark...always a hit!
-Gramma and Papa Bill driving us halfway home so it wouldn't be such a bad drive for me...thanks you guys!
-And of course, Happiest Millionaire! Where are those darn alligators, Gramma?!


mk said...

Miss you!! How is the greedy python?? Is he eating his tail???

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

We had such a good time with you guys!! Thank you for going with us to those was way fun!! Jonas misses London and Max.

mk said...

Notice what is on the TV in the second picture. Love you!