Friday, May 22, 2009

Learning to let go...

Max has come to the horrible realization that London is now old enough to play with "his" baby toys. He's having a hard time adjusting.


Redd family said...

Oldest children should never have to share.

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

What do you mean he can't play with that anymore..look he still fits. hehehe. London looks adorable as ever. Jonas likes to look at their pictures. Hey where did you get that awesome pool..Jonas needs one.
See ya lata!

Danielle O. said...

Um, should I just keep these baby toys and not let London ever play with them? That is so funny that he doesn't want to give up the toys and that is the cutest pic of London on your lap after she crawled to you!

Liz said...

that is so cute! look at how his legs don't even fit!

mk said...

Life IS tough, Max! And it just keeps getting harder.