Friday, May 22, 2009

Beatin' the heat

The backyard pool is always a hit. Notice how he's pointing at Jack? He probably thinks I was coming to yell at them and was getting ready to blame Jack. Such a nice friend.

At the splash parks with yes, all 8 kids.
-my little bobblehead

-Um, should I have some of Huntie's fries?

-Sportin' Parker's woggle goggles (yes, I know they are supposed to be wobble goggles, but Max prefers woggle goggles.)

After YEARS of being afraid of the water, the little dude finally gets brave and starts horsing around at San Lagos, only to be kicked out by the apartment managers. Suh-weet.


Z Family said...

THat looks like a blast!! TOtally feeling you on the heat.. ugh!

mk said...

But in the winter.......