Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Did they forget me?

Thanks, Gramma and Papa Bill for such a fun weekend!
We wish you could have stayed longer, but we understand that between working, Ole & Ida, dialysis, and planning a wedding, you're spread pretty thin as it is.
Oh, and no more teasing Max about coming to stay up in Utah with you!! He sure was sad when he woke up and discovered that you had left without him...maybe next time??
We love you guys, thanks for all you do!!
PS. And sorry we were all sick. Thanks for putting up with all of our runny noses and coughs!


mk said...

You took such good care of us. We had a ball!! It was so relaxing, and the kids wer ADORABLE!! SORRY Max,we would loved to have brought you home with us. DARLING FAMILY!! LOVEYOUGUYS!!

Liz said...

i'm so jealous!! i want to come down and visit so much!