Thursday, March 12, 2009

First taste of cereal

London had her first taste of cereal last week and she was diggin' it! She was very interested that first night, and even Max got into it. Of course the next morning she wouldn't have a thing to do with it. Any time I would put the spoon near her mouth, she would purse her lips and spit it out. It was hilarious! Well, sort of. So on the recommendation of my awesome pediatrician, we tried rice with apples and she loves it! And now instead of a clean, 5 minute nursing, we get a 30 minute big sloppy mess. And so it goes!:)


mk said...

SO SO CUTE!! Thanks for sharing. Max, you are such a BIG helper!!

Z Family said...

Oh my gosh... Are we already there?? I cant believe how fast time flies....really! Super cute :)

Norton Family said...

is it me or does Max look like Spencer in these pictures?? i can't get over it!