Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cavities? Really?

Afterwards I told him I thought he had been really brave to which he replied, "I wasn't brave, I was scared."

Cleaning all the "sugar-bugs"

What did they just put in my mouth!?!

We are SO ready to go home!

Max had his first visit to the Dentist today. He got the works, too. The dental assistant (I apologize if that is not what they are called) was so sweet to him and explained everything she was going to do before she did it, which seemed to help him out. He actually even liked the water squirter, air blower thing at the end of the cleaning. He was even smiling as she rinsed out his mouth. I was relieved, as the first dental visit can really scar a child.
Of course no one wants to admit that they have ever done anything wrong as a parent but here it is: I am lousy at taking care of Max's teeth. Although we brush his teeth every night, it wasn't enough. He has 4 cavities, one in each molar. He has to go in to a ped. dentist to be "put under" (really, they can't come up with a better term!?!) and get them filled. This is when the guilt really kicks in as a mom and I wish I could have my teeth removed with pliers rather than have to put him through any sort of traumatic experience.
So, to all of you out there with kids, make sure you use flouride toothpaste (a pea-sized amount, make sure they spit!), floss every day, and limit juice. Max never drinks juice, but apparently candy has the same effect. Who knew?!:)


mk said...

I am laughing out loud. Really that is the funniest post. Pictures are PRICELESS. You are a GREAT Mom, just like your sisters.

Liz said...

what a trooper! i'm glad he's not scarred for life. hopefully he's not gonna get addicted to nitrus like i am now.

Criscell said...

Oh, poor Max! Don't feel bad! You are a great mom.

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Addie is toast! I think I will wait to take her to the dentist now!!!

Danielle O. said...

Wow! Way to go Max. Bummer about the cavities, he is such a good sport. Iam taking Luke in and I am sure he will have some cavities as well and no, you are not a bad mom!!

Norton Family said...

i can hear him saying "what did they just put in my mouth" by that picture!!! oh my goodness. I love that you take pictures of these little outings. you are the BEST mom ever just blame the cavities on genetics.

Jenn said...

oh- this is so funny. You know what would be even funnier? IF Kate had ZERO cavities. That would make me laugh SOOOO LOUD!
Love the pix. How cute.