Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thank you, Abbie!

So while I was in Utah back in, oh I don't know, either July or September, I found a cute pattern to make a quilted bag. Thank goodness Abbie Vandersteen was around to walk me through the entire process, step by step. She was so patient with me and didn't make me feel like an idiot at all, even though I was pretty helpless. She even taught me some really cool tricks with my sewing machine. SO after working on it over a period of 3 days, here it finally is. Thanks again, Abbie! It was a BLAST!


mk said...

SOOOO adorable!!! I love it. WAY TO GO LINDSAY!! Pretty cool feeling, isn't it???

Criscell said...

SO cute!! I love it, Lindsay. Hey, did you get my message about what you want to do for crafty corner for the month of March? I need that info for the calender ASAP. Thanks!

Redd family said...

impressive! it turned out so cute!

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

I love it!! Thanks for letting me borrow the pattern and make one too! We'll have to get another project going soon.