Monday, February 09, 2009

Past few days

Max loves playing with London and London LOVES playing in her saucer

Really? Rain? Yup. And this is not a rain poncho, mind you. It is a superhero costume.

So cute for church! I'm so embarrassed about her bows. One day I'll figure it out.

The past few days have been pretty calm and uneventful. Max has become quite the comedian, always making me and Morgan laugh by making comments like "Dad, I don't understand what you are trying to say to me!" Or, "Mom, I was just teasing you!" A new favorite of mine is "Mom, I need a new one." For example, "Mom, Bandit's crazy. I need a new dog." Or, "My legs hurt, I need new ones."
And of course, London is getting huge and finally getting over her nasty diaper rash (and more, but I won't go into detail). She is quite the chatter box, sometimes even talking while she nurses. It's pretty adorable. And any day now we're expecting the big roll over. She loves being on her tummy and makes no moves, but when she's on her back, man that girl can wiggle. Sometimes I feel like she would get up and run around if she could and she seems to get frustrated that she can't. Oh, these next few months are going to be fun! Or crazy...


Wilson Family said...

lindsay what a cutie little london is! and i think her bows look great!

and isn't it fun when kids start saying the darndest things :)

glad to hear you guys are doing well!

Redd family said...

i can't believe she's in her saucer! she's getting big so fast. and she looked adorable at church, i love her bows, she has great hair!

mk said...

So SO cute!!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

She is so cute! I can't wait to see her again.
I LOVE the poncho. He looks awesome.

Jenn said...

WAAAAY Cute! I am so proud of you for sticking with the nursing. You're the best mom EVER!
We miss Max. Can he come up for a visit?

Brooke Allison said...

I love london's little outfit. So cute!