Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thank you, Abbie!

So while I was in Utah back in, oh I don't know, either July or September, I found a cute pattern to make a quilted bag. Thank goodness Abbie Vandersteen was around to walk me through the entire process, step by step. She was so patient with me and didn't make me feel like an idiot at all, even though I was pretty helpless. She even taught me some really cool tricks with my sewing machine. SO after working on it over a period of 3 days, here it finally is. Thanks again, Abbie! It was a BLAST!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Splat (look at London's face in this one...hilarious!)

Loves her swimming suit

Not so much the swimming, though...

Mathie campout

This past weekend Morgan borrowed a tent from the Redd's (is it sad that we don't even own a tent, let alone sleeping bags...or ANY camping gear for that matter?) and set it up in our backyard. By the time he was done he had it fully equipped with a t.v., dvd player, and inflatable mattresses. Max was in heaven! Of course, they didn't sleep out there all night, but enough to make Max happy. They are such good buds.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

goofy little Max

Jack's dad said it's ok to kiss your friends and hang out in your underwear....I guess I won't worry.
Then again, this is Matt Redd we are talking about...

Morgan always raves about the food at Phoenix Children's so I decided to try and make him a little jealous by fixing a great breakfast. Which we got to eat in our jammies. haha!
Yea, he wasn't jealous. Apparently the french toast there rocks.

Isn't this such a goofy face? We like going outside as long as the stalker wasps aren't around!

sweet little miss London

A few of her new likes:
-sucking her thumb
-nursing to sleep
-her brother playing patty cake with her
-rolling (only a couple of times, though)
-watching t.v.
-body slamming Max

A few dislikes:
-suctioning of her nose (which I do EVERY TIME I hear congestion. I'm addicted.
-sleeping at night
-getting put down for a nap before she's ready. Even after I pick her back up again, she will sit and literally yell at me for a few minutes longer. Not even cry, seriously. She yells at me. And if she wants to nurse, she'll take breaks from eating to give me a piece of her mind. She is a riot!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Prince Caspian

Sarah Redd has the best dress-up clothes of all time and every time Max goes there, he loves to wear Jack's Prince Caspian outfit. So, on Valentine's day (besides going in for an amazing massage, thank you, Morgan!) we spent the entire day making Max a Prince Caspian costume. The costume consists of a 1/2 yard of fabric, elastic, duct tape, an old diaper box, and lots of love. Morgan concentrated on the shield and breastplate (not shown) and I made the tunic and cape. It definitely isn't as cool as the real thing, but we made do with what we had. And we had a blast doing it. Max sure is a handsome Prince, that's for sure! Now I guess I have to make London a Princess costume?!
(By the way, Max requested the bum shot)

Monday, February 09, 2009

Past few days

Max loves playing with London and London LOVES playing in her saucer

Really? Rain? Yup. And this is not a rain poncho, mind you. It is a superhero costume.

So cute for church! I'm so embarrassed about her bows. One day I'll figure it out.

The past few days have been pretty calm and uneventful. Max has become quite the comedian, always making me and Morgan laugh by making comments like "Dad, I don't understand what you are trying to say to me!" Or, "Mom, I was just teasing you!" A new favorite of mine is "Mom, I need a new one." For example, "Mom, Bandit's crazy. I need a new dog." Or, "My legs hurt, I need new ones."
And of course, London is getting huge and finally getting over her nasty diaper rash (and more, but I won't go into detail). She is quite the chatter box, sometimes even talking while she nurses. It's pretty adorable. And any day now we're expecting the big roll over. She loves being on her tummy and makes no moves, but when she's on her back, man that girl can wiggle. Sometimes I feel like she would get up and run around if she could and she seems to get frustrated that she can't. Oh, these next few months are going to be fun! Or crazy...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Highlights of our Utah Trip

I never really know what to write, so here are just some highlights of our recent trip to Utah (in no particular order):
-Morgan blessing London
-Being introduced to Pace's AMAZING Diet Cokes with lime (no squash and toss for me!)
-Cafe Rio with the Mathie's
-Babysitting Kate for a few days with no change of clothes or unders
-Kate LOVING Max's Nemo unders
-Airport losing our car seat on arrival to Salt Lake. Morgan losing our car on our arrival to Phoenix.
-Getting professional pix taken of Spencer, Kate, Johnny, London, and Max
-Going to the Draper Temple Open House with all the kids at 10 p.m. and still feeling the Spirit in the Sealing room
-Tracie flying in with her sweet little boy to see London and come to her blessing
-My nephew Spencer looking up girls dresses at the Draper Temple Open House
-Max, Spence, and Kate holding hands through the Temple
-Taking advantage of Jenn's super awesome photography skills
-Holding my sweet little nephew Jonas
-Tracie taking Max on his first trip ever to a McDonald's playland...eew but fun
-Meeting my little sister's sweet fiance and seeing her so in love
-London and Max getting to go to Ole and Ida's and Ida being coherent enough to hold London...even if I was fighting every instinct in my body letting her...
-Max running into the room yelling "Naked Boy" to all of his cousins and lifting up his shirt to reveal himself
-Getting pedicures with my sisters and mom paying for it (always a treat!)
-Max going on walks with Papa Bill and pummeling him with snowballs
-Staying up late with my mom every night learning to quilt and crotchet. Thanks for the sponsorship and patience! I'll get that blanket done even if it kills me!!!
-London meeting her cousin Jonas
-Jenn driving down from Logan, even if she could only stay for only half an hour
-Going with Liz to try on wedding dresses...sniffle sniffle
-Jenn trying to cure London's diaper rash. Thanks for all the "free" diaper rash ointment!
-Always falling asleep before "Girls Night" commencing
-Bill didn't get his kidney out, but we know that the Lord works on His own time table and things are going to work out. Our prayers are with him and we love our Papa Bill very much.

We had an awesome trip and were really sad to come home. . . at least until we saw the weeks' forcast. . .and I think we're gonna be just fine. Thanks for a great trip!