Thursday, January 15, 2009

Under the weather

Poor Max has been sick this week with a bad cough. We have been stuck in the house for a few days and we are both going a tad insane. We are definitely looking forward to a break:) On a good note, London is doing FABULOUS. The sweet little girl has been sleeping better and better every night and I am just so glad. Mostly because she wakes up so happy, but also because I'M waking up happy, too!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I am so sorry! Poor Max.
I am happy to hear how well London is sleeping. Do you wanna trade? ;)

mk said...

Sleep is VERY good. Yay for London. I wonder how she is going to like Utah?? LOVEYOUMOM

Criscell said...

SO sorry Max has been sick! London is so cute and I'm glad to hear that she's sleeping well for you! Thanks for coming to the Board mtg. this morning. You are always so willing to do whatever I need, and I love that, Lindsay! You make my job so much easier. Thank you so much!

Liz said...

When I'm sick, I don't get to dress up in crazy outfits like that...