Thursday, January 08, 2009

Getting so big!

Is this how you hold a newborn? Yea, I didn't think so...

Rough day, no nap

Thanks for letting me borrow the outfit, Addie!

Little Miss London is getting to be such a big girl! Sleeping well at night (compared to Max at least!) and growing like a weed. We sure have fun with her those few moments she's awake and happy during the day. Lots of smiles and even starting to coo, which is my favorite. Something that always makes her smile is when I tickle her chin and say "Nacho boat!" (Lake Powell trip 2 years ago we saw a boat with that name and for some reason I started saying it to her...just sounds funny.) Max always asks to hold her and when he gets her in his arms says "Mom, take a picture." He is such a cute older brother.


mk said...

SOO SOOO cute!!

Z Family said...

two little angels!!

Criscell said...

Your kids are just darling, Lindsay! I can't believe how big London is getting! Her smiles just make ME smile. Caysja LOVES to hold Crew just like Max. Isn't that the best?