Thursday, December 11, 2008

Making a gingerbread train with dad

The two were WAY more interested in eating the frosting and candy than decorating with it.


mk said...

When you guys come in Jan. we will make a train cake!!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I like the candy and frosting more too! Thanks again for letting us crash your house.
And another darling outfit for London. She is BEAUTIFUL!

ErBerr said...

Morgan, Lindsay and kids,

Marita sent me the link to your blog so I had to take a look and see your beautiful family. What darling children you have and they are very blessed to have you as parents! I hope your Christmas is full of peace and joy and that the New Year brings you all many blessings. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Erin (Mathie) Berreth

Brooke Allison said...

How fun, good times with dad. It was so fun seeing you guys the other night. Parker sure misses his little buddy.