Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2 month check-up

London had her 2 month check up today, complete with icky shots. Her stats are great, 50% for weight and 75% for height. We love our little sis!
p.s. Thanks Aunt Tracie for the cute jammies and blanket! We love them:)


Jenn said...

cuute new background!!! Little Miss London sure looks like her daddy in this picture!

mk said...

She has changed SO much!! SOOOOO cute. Can't wait to see her. Eyes are lookin' pretty and blue!

Brooke Allison said...

What a little max. She is such a cutie! Totally reminds me of max.

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

I can't believe London's 2 months already ... so adorable!

Z Family said...

What a doll!!

Liz said...

WAY too cute. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!