Friday, November 21, 2008

Max and his lil' sis

He always wants to hold her

Just a funny picture

Watching Kung Fu Panda

Everyone getting tummy time


Redd family said...

I love it! She is so adorable and what a cute big brother. Can't wait to get to know this little bug better!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

How cute! She is beautiful and we have always loved Max!

mk said...

She looks BEAUTIFUL!!! WOW!! More pictures please. Can't wait to see her and Max. Good find on "the shell" Max. I swear I took every cushion off of that couch at least twice!!!

Liz said...

SOOOO CUTE!! Bandit looks so funny. Cute quilt too!!

Evensen Family said...

She is adorable. You guys have such beautiful kids. Hope you are all doing well.

Norton Family said...

such cute pix of the little munchkins. I especially love the one of the two watching the movie together ... CLASSIC!! You are such a cute little mom!! jenn inspires me to be more outdoorsy and you inspire me to just "do it all." you are a GREAT little mommy. i love you guys!!!