Tuesday, November 04, 2008

London Lewis Mathie

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008
7 lbs. 15 oz
20 1/2"

Little Miss London was born last Wednesday night and things are going great. As you can see, she is Max's twin sister, only she was born 2 1/2 years later and with a little bit more hair.
I'm exhausted for now but as soon as I get more energy, or a diet coke, I'll post more pictures.
P.S. Thanks again Siri and Sean for watching Max! We owe you guys big time!


Z Family said...

what a DOLL!! Congrats family!! Your baby gift is all wrapped up and going out tomorrow :)

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

You owe us nothing! Max is the sweetest little boy.
I can't wait to meet her. She is beautiful.

Redd family said...

Congrats on your little sweetie! I love her already....how couldn't I, she's a mini-Max!

Wilson Family said...

oh congratulations you guys!!! i was just talking to danielle and wondered if you had had your little girl yet. i am in LOVE with the name! she is adorable and max is going to get even more adorable as you watch him be a big brother :) enjoy your little family!!

Criscell said...

CONGRATS, Lindsay!!! She is beautiful--just like her mom! I'm so glad things went well for you. If you need anything at all, I'd be happy to help out any way I can! Oh, and love the name London! SO cute.

Danielle O. said...

Yeah, baby London is here!! She is so dang pretty and I love those cheeks! Good work and we are dying to come see all of you. Morgan was supposed to let us know when we could come so maybe we will hold off until all your family is gone. I remember getting bombarded with visitors and calls...that is not fun. Take care and we will see you soon with dinners and a gigantic diet coke:)

Darger Party of 3 said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!! She is beautiful and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to the millionth power that name. London!! Gorgeous and congrats!!!!

Liz said...

She's soooo cute!! I wanna come down and see her!!

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

Congrats! We're so excited everything went well. And, I absolutely love her name!

Norton Family said...

I am so glad you are both doing well. i can't wait to meet her (which is hopefully soon) That gift from the z family is from me too they just "forgot" to put my name on it!!! love you guys!!! T