Friday, November 07, 2008

A few more pix

Hates her carseat, loves riding in the car

Our cute family (minus the extra chubby one)

Max had a ball with his Papa Bill!

Doesn't he look like he's going to do something naughty?!


Redd family said...

love Max in the last pic....he's such a cutie and his face says it all! has his world been rocked or what??

mk said...

MISS YOU!! So glad we got to be with you. love/gramma

Criscell said...

Such CUTE pictures! She is just beautiful, Lindsay!

Sum & Ben said...

Hey Linds... She is beautiful!! Little girls are so much fun!! Congrats! I also love the name London! How FUN!! -Summer Smith

Brooke Allison said...

she is so precious. I can't wait to see her more.

Evensen Family said...

She is beautiful! I'm so happy that you have one of each. They are wonderful and unique in their own way. Congratulations! I'll see what I can do to get you some flower pots for her room. Hope you are doing well.

Liz said...

Can't wait to meet her when you come up... Maybe?? Yes?

Jenn said...

I adore these pictures. She is an angel. Max is going to be a wonderful big brother. Can't WAIT!