Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thanks, Auntie Jenn!

Auntie Jenn sent me the CUTEST cross stitch for my nursery and I finished the frame and put it up tonight. It is stinkin' adorable! Thanks, Jenn, for being so thoughtful!


Wilson Family said...

oh so cute!! everything. my sisters make me the best stuff too! isn't girl stuff so fun?!? we're excited for you guys!

Z Family said...

So cute!! I love the whoel nursery! Everything looks great... something out of a magazine :) REally!

mk said...


Dave, Danielle and Luke said...

Yeah! The room looks so cute and I can't believe she is coming in a couple weeks or less! We are finally in the same state so we need to see you guys. I will give you a call tomorrow.