Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ready for baby sister

Yesterday I got out our infant car seat to readjust, clean up, etc. and while it was out, Max decided he wanted to eat lunch in it. Whatever works, right?
I have been talking to him a lot about his little sister and I think he's really getting anxious for her. When we heard Morgan pull up after work, I said to him "Guess who's here?" And he said "My baby sister?" He was a little disappointed dad had come home alone. We're getting pretty excited around here!


Redd family said...

yay!! it's almost time. i remember right before Elle was born thinking someone's missing, you just want them here, FINALLY!! max is going to LOVE her!!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

She will be the little princess in the house. Her BIG brother will protect her, and her daddy will make sure that she is the BEST dressed girl in town. ;)
We are so excited to meet her.

Criscell said...

That's so cute! He's going to be a great big brother!

mk said...

Can't wait!!

Jenn said...

Uh oh. The fun is about to begin!! Oh, the joys max will have with his new play toy, er, uh, sister.