Thursday, October 23, 2008

Helping mom

Max was a HUGE help to me tonight while I made some Halloween cookies.
Here he is rolling out the dough...

Here he is helping with the clean-up....

About halfway through making the cookies, he discovered he liked eating the dough. The recipe said it made about 3 dozen cookies but we only managed about 2 dozen. I wonder why...


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

What a great helper. I love it!

Criscell said...

So cute! Caysja loves to eat cookie dough too.

Brooke Allison said...

Max looks so big. We have not gotten together near enough. I love The babies room so cute. You did such a great job with everything. What a great little mommy you are.

Jenn said...

I am not jealous- I will have a kitchen sink SOON!
Looks like fun. You are such a cute mommy. Good luck. I can't believe how close you are to baby girl!