Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween Fun

Cute Connor the Octopus

Adorable Mickey with Parker inside. I'm sad I didn't get one with him and Hunter as Donald Duck!

Note the scowl on Max's face. He is getting quite good at making faces.

To infinity and beyond! This was the favorite activity of the evening by far!

Yummy Mac and Cheese dinner!

Last night we had a couple of friends come over for dinner and a Halloween FHE lesson. Thanks to Siri and Brooke for the delicious soup and Sarah for the yummy bread sticks!
It was a great night and I loved seeing all the little kids in their costumes. Max sure went crazy playing with all of his friends and showing off his Buzz costume to anyone within earshot. He sure has become quite the showoff! They were all so cute, though, and I'm so sad I didn't get more pictures!
By the way, I'm still so sorry that a certain Shark kept getting beat on. It was just too scary of a costume, I guess! I hope he isn't traumatized!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Thank you Linds! You are so cute and we loved FHE!!! I think you need to raise my kids. :)

Criscell said...

Looks like fun! All the kids look adorable in their costumes. Hope all goes well for you and your new little one this week!

hilary said...

such cute kids!! i love all of their costumes! and congrats on your new little addition!! i talked to siri and heard that she came wednesday night! hope all is going well with all of you!

Carrie said...

Hi Linds! Thanks for posting a comment on my blog. It only took me like 2 weeks to figure out how to view it! I am definitely still new at this blog thing. I LOVE all of your pics! And I had no idea you were expecting a baby girl--how exciting! You will absolutely love dressing her up. I love the pics of the darling nursery too!

Carrie said...

I already tried once to post a comment but on your blog but I am not sure it worked so I am trying again. I LOVE all the pics of Max--he is so dang cute! I can't wait to see what your little girl looks like! Mike and I miss you guys. Oh, and Yes...you can add me to your list on your blog.