Sunday, October 05, 2008

Weekend Update

-Boys after our long walk, just as conference started, of course asleep-

The past week has been quite a nice one. Morgan has a very relaxed rotation and is home most days by noon which Max has really loved. I've been in quite a frenzy reorganizing, deep cleaning and finishing up projects before having the baby. Having him around to entertain Max (and make dinner and run errands) has been awesome.

Sometime this week we discovered that we had some renters move in while we were gone. As I was locking doors and getting ready for bed, I noticed a Gecko running around the ceilings. I was freaked, but still really wanted to wake Max up and show him. Lucky for me the stinkin' thing came back the next night, in time to get Max all hyped up before bed. Max did love seeing the thing, though, and we've since seen several (or the same one) on a few more occasions. We've named them Carl, Lenny, and Homer. Morgan won't chase them out because he says they eat the crickets. And since I have never seen a cricket in our house, I guess I believe him?!

I did have a doctor appt. this week and things are looking good. This pregnancy seems to drag compared to Max's and I find myself thinking of things to do to keep myself busy. We take lots of walks and do lots of crafts, that's for sure. And there is always the nursery. Luckily for me, Morgan has taken on that project and is making it perfect. I think it's going to fit her little personality just right. He is so excited to have a little girl and I can't wait to see him with her. She'll be spoiled rotten.
Oh, then there was the treadmill incident this week. Max learned how to pull out the stopper that kept the treadmill upright and it fell right on his arm. It was so scary and we were so lucky that it didn't do worse than it did. I swear, the past few months he has had more bumps, bruises, and cuts than his whole life. He is really becoming a little boy!

Funny thing happened to us this afternoon. In between conference sessions we went on a REALLY long walk with Max (looking for pine cones and kitty cats, thank you Auntie Jenn) and ended up at the park. There was a sweet little blonde girl there (about Max's age) who walked right up to me and said "Where's your baby?" I showed her where Max was struggling to climb the slide and she went over to him and declared "He is stinkin' cute!" When Morgan heard that, I could just see his face soften and I knew what he was thinking. He is going to be the cutest dad to this little girl. You should see the stuff he's stockpiling for her. I think my friend Siri is right when she says Morgan is probably more excited to have a girl to dress than I am!


Scott Brown said...

Hey Mathie family! This is Scott Brown...from the mission...the LDS know, the Mormons. I was wondering what you were up to so I googled your name, and there your were, the top result. Do you pay for that? Anyway, drop me an email when you get a chance. It would be great to get back in touch with you.

Criscell said...

You're so lucky not to have any crickets! We have had so many and I hate them! Besides that, scorpions eat them so I'm always afraid I'm going to find a scorpion next.

I know what you mean about this pregnancy dragging way more than the first! I hope everything goes well for you. You look great!

Evensen Family said...

Seeing a daddy with his daughter is such a neat experience. You'll have so much fun with her. When is your due date? Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.