Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lots of fun in Utah

Hanging out with the boys

Roasting marshmallows over a "campfire"

Playing with dad at the park

Eating dinner at the park for FHE with Gramma and Papa Bill

Hanging out at Gateway

Meeting Alex and Felicia, and their kids, Olivia (my new girlfriend) and her baby brother, Lincoln


Criscell said...

Looks like you guys had a fun time in Utah! Glad you're back. I LOVE the pic of Max holding hands with that cute little girl.

Codye said...

oh that is too cute. SHE IS ADORABLE!
We miss you. You need to move home.

Redd family said...

Glad you had fun....more glad you're back. Jack needs his sword-fighting Peter Pan back...Hook is a codfish!!

Brooke Allison said...

Looks like you guys had fun! We are so happy that you are back now though. Parker missed his buddy Max!