Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quick Trip to Little Hollywood

Such a good little traveler
Snuggling up to Gramma
Kate is such a good little helper. This is her trying to help Max get his underpants back on while he's trying to maintain some modesty. Kate and Max enjoying a movie

Little Hollywood, or, as it is otherwise known as, Kanab, Utah. Thanks, mom and Jenn for meeting us and picking up Bandit. I had such a great time and loved getting to see how big Kate and Johnny have gotten. Max and Kate were so cute together and it was hard saying good-bye. We can't wait to see you guys in Newport! Thanks again, mom, for all you did for us. The luxurious hotel, the fancy dinner, we loved it all! Just teasing about the "Lodge" (or as you liked to call it, the Hotel in Hell), but thanks for all of Max's toys and all of the little girl outfits and blankets. They are adorable! And Jenn, thanks for all the treats (but not really) and groceries. I had such a blast (and not just because Jenn got to experience a "rough night"). It was so fun getting out and having a girls night, even if we had all of the kids. Max hasn't slept that great in ages!! Love you guys! Thanks for making the drive!


Brooke Allison said...

That's fun that you got to see your mom. I bet Max was very excited.

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

What an awful drive! At least you get to see your mom and sister. That would make the trip worth it.

mk said...

Those pictures are worth the WHOLE trip. It really was fun, just NOT LONG enough!! Next time, (who knows when?), it will have to be at least 1/2 day longer. Bandit is doing great. Have fun getting ready for the next big adventure!

Jenn said...

Seriously so fun. Except the driving. And the place we stayed. And the not getting any sleep. (By the way I'm thrilled that Max can sleep by sucking the sleep-ability out of me!) Next time we go, we are SOOOOO not letting you pick the hotel... ("This is such a great place! I love it here. It has an awesomely huge bathroom and the beds are huge!")

Jenn said...

"...and it doesn't even stink! Not even a little. And no one smokes around here."

Jenn said...

"and the a/c unit is AWESOME!" (Okay, that part of the trip was funny. and the pictures you got are a riot.)