Friday, May 09, 2008

New Haircut

After weeks of trying to get Morgan to take Max for a haircut (a little father-son bonding time), I finally decided to get the job done myself.

By the way, he's mad because his popsicle got taken away at the end of the haircut.
On a side note, popsicles and haircuts do not mix. Yuck.


mk said...

WOW!!! SOOOO grown up looking. What a cutie! love/gramma

Criscell said...

SOOOO cute!

Liz said...

oh my goodness, that's the funniest face i've EVER seen him pull. cute hair mad max! haha.

Redd family said...

love the buzz! it fits buzz whitebeer....

Jenn said...

didn't you learn that lesson with his first haircut and the sucker?
Kate got a sucker stuck in her hair the other day. that was funny.