Thursday, May 15, 2008

Learning our colors

While I am proud of Max for his ability to count to 10 and do most of his ABC's, I'm still trying to find a way to teach him his colors. He still seems to think everything is pink, green, or yellow. And he guesses in that order.
Trying to be creative, I tried using a food coloring and Karo syrup mix. First of all, he would absolutely NOT put his fingers in it. Way too messy for his liking. So, I got him a popsicle stick and then he seemed to enjoy mixing the colors around. After a few minutes, he got brave and took the first taste: "Mmm..YUM!" is what he says. After that he can't stop eating it. Overall, not very effective for teaching colors, but a GREAT afternoon snack. Especially with the sprinkle toppings and confetti we decided to throw on in the end!
Maybe if I teach him a variety of pinks like blush, hot pink, soft pink, etc., he'll be more interested in learning? Worth a shot! I think I'll get out the nail polish for our next lesson:)


Criscell said...

What a creative mom you are!

mk said...

VERY creative. Max looks like he is enjoying those sprinkles!!

Jenn said...

that's the funniest thing I've ever read. Don't tell Morgan, but I'm totally sending that princess purse from christmas down to your little man. Hey, you've got to accessorize!