Friday, May 30, 2008

Thank goodness it's Friday

It's been a really rough week, but we ended it on a high note with Max getting to play up at Parker's splash pad and then going to the pool for a little swim with Dad. Keep your fingers crossed that we make it through the next 2 weeks with our sanity! Poor Max is in need of some major cousin and uncle bonding time! He is sick of being with his boring old mom all day.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Visit from Grammie and Papa Mathie

Max loved getting to spend time with the Mathie's this week when they came down for a visit. He was kind of a stinker, but I think that was due to his lack of naps. He really loves getting to spend time with them and was so sad to see them go. So were Morgan and I. Thanks for all the shopping trips, groceries, and dining out! You guys really did way too much for us but we appreciated all of it. And sorry about the 110 degree weather. You might just have to come back in the fall when the new baby is here and the weather is beautiful again.
Thanks again for everything! See you guys soon!

Fruit loop necklace

Easy way to serve breakfast...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Must be a boy thing...

Next De La Hoya

This kid has got some talent! And when he comes at you, he doesn't stop until you give up. I think we'll have to get out my old punching bag for him, especially with the baby on the way!

Learning our colors

While I am proud of Max for his ability to count to 10 and do most of his ABC's, I'm still trying to find a way to teach him his colors. He still seems to think everything is pink, green, or yellow. And he guesses in that order.
Trying to be creative, I tried using a food coloring and Karo syrup mix. First of all, he would absolutely NOT put his fingers in it. Way too messy for his liking. So, I got him a popsicle stick and then he seemed to enjoy mixing the colors around. After a few minutes, he got brave and took the first taste: "Mmm..YUM!" is what he says. After that he can't stop eating it. Overall, not very effective for teaching colors, but a GREAT afternoon snack. Especially with the sprinkle toppings and confetti we decided to throw on in the end!
Maybe if I teach him a variety of pinks like blush, hot pink, soft pink, etc., he'll be more interested in learning? Worth a shot! I think I'll get out the nail polish for our next lesson:)

Friday, May 09, 2008

New Haircut

After weeks of trying to get Morgan to take Max for a haircut (a little father-son bonding time), I finally decided to get the job done myself.

By the way, he's mad because his popsicle got taken away at the end of the haircut.
On a side note, popsicles and haircuts do not mix. Yuck.